Today is a Monday...the beginning of the work week...a day of dread or excitement? I think Mondays are a bit exciting because they bring new opportunities for growth. A new week to learn, expand, and grow in knowledge, contacts, experiences, etc. Who knows what is just around the next corner today as you start your work week? It may just be the referral you have been looking for...the interview you have been waiting for, the contact you need to bridge the gap between you and your dream referral! may offer many opportunities to serve and help others in ways you never thought possible. I daily ask to ALWAYS hear the cry of the needy and try to help in various ways. Speaking for myself, I feel the most complete when I have helped someone else achieve a goal, meet a need, or just feel better about themselves. Perhaps I can refer someone to them, connect them to someone who can offer them a job or some immediate help that is paramount to their situation. Now that I am retired...