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Showing posts from July, 2017

Pay It Forward Friday

Now....I know what you may be thinking....ok...who does she want me to give money to now? Well....I want to tell you about my friend Joe. He owns an Automotive Shop in my city, and yes, he has helped our family many, many times...but that is not why I am writing about Joe. Joe started a practice of Pay It Forward Friday at his shop and he continues today. Joe now has two locations and is very active in both Chambers of Commerce and in many Veterans Groups as well. He began this practice because he is fully aware of the need to give back to the community. Where ever Joe is, whether he sees someone that he feels deserves a meal on him, or someone severely needing help, he is there. He recently went and cooked for the Firefighters in a nearby city just to show them that he cares, that WE all care. This goes WAY beyond paying for the person behind you in line at Starbucks, which is a great idea as well. But, you get the idea..... There are two verses that come to mind, Luke 12:48 state...