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Reinvent Yourself

Hello again! It has been awhile, right? 5 years to be exact. WHEW! A lot has happened.... but what you need to know is that I am HAPPY and probably HAPPIER than I have ever been, at least as far as I can remember....

You see, I am HAPPY because of many reasons, not the least of which is because I am quite comfortable in my own skin. Yes, I am older and yes, I am considered a Senior now. WOW! Who ever thinks about what that will feel like? Actually, for the most part, I feel the same. I am a little slower now, although my life is very busy and I make people tired just reading my Facebook posts of all the events I attend. But, I notice I tire more easily, and crave more down time than before. I actually look forward to those days when I personally have nothing in addition to my work plans.

Speaking of my work, I will update you on my current passion....I am the Director of Community Services for a law firm, Haiman Hogue, PLLC.  That title means that I plan EVENTS! Wow....I have come full circle for sure! We are a faith-based firm specializing in Estate Planning and Elder Law as well as Business Succession Planning.
Speaking engagements for our firm and for our panel of experts, as well as community activities we can sponsor is what my job entails. Our firm is truly a family who supports each other and is unique in three ways: 1. We are faith-based. Every decision is made with prayer and is not made hastily. 2. We do NOT bill by the hour, but charge a flat fee, with the first consultation always FREE and 3. We speak to Educate, not sell. There is NO sales pitch in any of our talks...just education that anyone can use.

Over the past 5 years, I have built a large network of trusted professionals in all areas of life whom I am proud to refer as well as call my friends. I truly LOVE networking and meeting new people, connecting them to the community, and to each other. I have met some wonderful people who inspire me to be the BEST me ever and I continue to work on this, with God's help, daily!

I hope you will continue to follow me on this journey!

Sheila Williamson


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