You can not go anywhere these days without hearing something about your "tribe." Do you KNOW if you even HAVE a Tribe or if you do, WHO they are? FIND YOUR TRIBE "YOU KNOW, THE ONES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL THE MOST YOU. THE ONES THAT LIFT YOU UP AND HELP YOU REMEMBER WHO YOU REALLY ARE. THE ONES THAT REMIND YOU THAT A BLIP IN THE ROAD IS JUST THAT, A BLIP. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT WHEN YOU WALK OUT OF A ROOM, THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BETTER PERSON THAN WHEN YOU WALKED IN. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT EVEN IF YOU DON'T SEE THEM FACE TO FACE AS OFTEN AS YOU'D LIKE, YOU SEE THEM HEART TO HEART. YOU KNOW, THAT KIND OF TRIBE? WHO'S YOUR TRIBE?" Jennifer Pastiloff Recently, the RSP (Really Smart People) will tell you that you are the sum total of the 5 people you spend the most time with aside from your workplace. I hope you are happy with them because they SHOULD be your tribe. I know I am happy with mine. I can not spend enough time with them. They REALLY ge...