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Vision for Success

Today is a Monday...the beginning of the work week...a day of dread or excitement? I think Mondays are a bit exciting because they bring new opportunities for growth. A new week to learn, expand, and grow in knowledge, contacts, experiences, etc. Who knows what is just around the next corner today as you start your work week? It may just be the referral you have been looking for...the interview you have been waiting for, the contact you need to bridge the gap between you and your dream referral! may offer many opportunities to serve and help others in ways you never thought possible. I daily ask to ALWAYS hear the cry of the needy and try to help in various ways. Speaking for myself, I feel the most complete when I have helped someone else achieve a goal, meet a need, or just feel better about themselves. Perhaps I can refer someone to them, connect them to someone who can offer them a job or some immediate help that is paramount to their situation. Now that I am retired from my catering business, I have helped people plan their own parties, referred caterers that I trust, loaned and donated some of my catering supplies to people in need, and made suggestions to impove upon what we had done in the past.

Since this month is not only Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but also Domestic Violence Awareness Month, there are boundless opportunities to serve these causes. Run, walk, pledge support, host a bake sale, donate shoes to SSWLS (Society of Women Who Love Shoes who donate money and shoes to domestic violence shelters), support The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center and their efforts to educate and support rape victims, The Genesis Women's Shelter, Hope's Door, and many, many, more. What can YOU do to make a difference? may not be able to help them all, but we can ALL help one person and that person can help one, etc., etc....

I have a Vision Board that I made with the help of my Business/Life Coach ( I would ernestly advise you to invest in for your success at meeting your goals). On it I have a center point which in my case is a beautiful Fall outdoor scene with the words "One More Reason To Be Thankful" on it. Just to the left of this, I have a bookmark with John 3:16 written on it. This is the basis of our Christian faith. On the top, I have so my brain can focus on each distinct area, my main goals for my left, followed by the words THE BEST 2012, and a picture of me serving others at a fundraiser, then a picture of my husband and son with the words Family underneath, then on to personal goals for our home, my physical self, fun goals of travel with my husband, and ending just underneath the top left goals...Retirement retooled...a second chance.  This is mounted on poster board and attached in my closet where I see it both morning and night, so I am always aware of my goals visually. I recently had someone see it and I explained it to her...she was amazed! Perhaps this is something you would benefit from as well. our company is yet again expanding into new territory (New York), and now offering more products (Natural gas, Clean Nation), I could not help but post this as my status on Face Book today.... it comes from Mark Twain. "Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

I raise my glass of champagne (Moet White Star Exra Dry) to your success,

Sheila Williamson


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