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Change:Inevitable, Hard, and Ultimately Positive

The world lost a great man this week....I am of course speaking of Stephen Covey who taught all of us about change. One of the most powerful lessons I have learned from him that I will never forget is that it takes 21 consecutive days to implement a change for it to become a habit. A habit that can totally change your life in a positive direction, such as a healthy eating regimen, an exercise routine, no more smoking....etc. In the business world, time management principles, daily goal setting, to do lists made at the end of each business day for the next...these are all positive habits for everyone seeking success to implement.

Why is it that we are so reticent to change? We all know we need to be organized, need to be more productive in our work spaces, need to become more balanced with our home/work life. So WHY don't we JUST DO IT? Because that first step.....admitting to OURSELVES that we need to change is the hardest. We may agree with the media, even our friends that we need it...but until we admit to OURSELVES that we need to will never happen.

The saddest thing of all is that change is inevitable...we all age, we all experience ebbs and flows in the business world, we are all affected by global issues that are not under our control. So do we simply react? That is what most people do...wait for things to happen instead of proactively making things happen the way WE need them. Instead of waiting for the doctor to demand that you lose weight and reduce your stress level or face the negative alternative, decide to take charge of your health today and make the necessary changes before it is too late.

As I type house is being painted (exterior) and we decided to try a new color to brighten up our brick. Now...we examined the paint in the store under the supposed "daylight" light and found it to be a buttery cream color. But in is a bright yellow as it is going up. certainly is brightening up our brick all right.....but we will adjust to it and maybe it is just the change we needed.
Pangs of uncertainty flooded our minds...but change is ultimately positive with the right attitude and we are CHOOSING to be positive about it. Maybe it will make us smile every time we arrive in our driveway?

Let's CHOOSE to honor Stephen's memory by making a change for the that deep down you KNOW your need to make TODAY!!!

Raising my glass of ice cold water with lemon to your success,

Sheila Williamson


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