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The Power of ONE

If you are anywhere near my age, then you are familiar with the words, "One is the lonliest number that you'll ever do.." from Three Dog Night. I have thought a lot about this over the years and this is certainly not always true. How many of us know people who enter into relationships that, ultimately, are harmful to them simply because they did not want to be alone? Tragic. Psychologists will tell you that if you do not love yourself first, you are incapable of truly loving anyone else. many of you have heard people say, "Well...I am just one person so I can not m
ake a difference anyway." Again WRONG!!! One candle lit in the darkness can light up an entire room. One person standing up for what they truly believe can change the just takes one! Just ask Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, etc.

I was reminded of this today by my young friend Katy Geertsen who has taught me many things over the years. She sent me this today on FB... "One tree can start a forest, one smile can begin a friendship, one hand can lift a soul, one word can frame the goal, one candle can wipe out darkness, one laugh can raise our spirits, and one choice can change your life!" How WISE is this....I have written this down in my journal and plan to review it daily lest I never forget it!

Choices are crucial to our development...both personally and in business. Try to make wise choices, choices that do not compromise your values or ideals as those are most certainly detrimental to your growth. It has been my experience that most shortcuts in life fall into this category. There is no ethical, easy ride in is simply working day by day keeping your ultimate goals in mind. You will make some bad choices, we all do from time to time...the difference is how you recover from them. When you discover the erroneous path....then change it not keep repeating it or dwell on your mistakes. Asking God for daily direction and wisdom is the key.

What if you could make a difference today by reducing our carbon footprint on this earth? Would you be interested? That is just the opportunity that CLEAN NATION offers. Check it out ...a positive choice that anyone can make to impact future generations....<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's to your success...I raise my cup of Cherry Blossom Green to you today,

Sheila Williamson


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