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Judy and Sheila's Excellent Adventure Day 5

Well...Friday was a REALLY long day...jam packed with adventures! Ever been on a Pink Jeep Tour?  Well...after the MONSOON washed us out on Thursday night...we rebooked and went Friday morning. Had a wonderful breakfast in uptown Sedona and then met our tour guide and headed out! This was a 2 hour Canyon Tour and the views were spectacular as promised! Learned a lot about the land, the plants, the history...Sedona is named for Sedona Schnebly who was much beloved, the wife of Carl (T.C.) and they came out west at the urging of Carl's brother who was already farming in the area close to Flagstaff. Carl was hardworking, very successful, and they built a two story house. Soon Carl sought to open a Post Office and applied for a name. He chose Sedona's name and everyone was happy as she was known for her wonderful hospitality!

The weather was perfect but there were dark clouds looming...we found out that Sedona usually averages only 14 inches of rain annually, but had received half that since we were there!!! Who knew? Our guide also told us of the naming of the spectacular Red Rock Formations, and some other important sites that we should not miss. One of them being...The Chapel of the Holy Cross. So...we headed out to visit...beautiful, awe inspiring and we lit candles and prayed for lots of friends and family! to Santa Fe. Okay...we only made it to Oak Creek Vista before a stop was needed. It was a beautiful spot, scenic outlook, and boasted an Indian Marketplace. There were many deals to be had...and yes, we did take advantage of them! But at the end, we got RAINED on we ran to the car and headed out again.

On the road again...we then stopped for lunch and decided our course of action...but chose to stop again at the Meteor Crater site close to Winslow, Arizona. Thinking this a 30 minute detour....nooo...this is a ticketed site with a movie, guide, etc. and we wound up being there 1.5 hours. is 4:30....and we REALLY vow to keep going...

Long story short...we arrived at our B&B in Santa Fe at MIDNIGHT!!! After some GOOD red wine, we got some much needed rest and now have had a wonderful breakfast. Today: Plaza (5 blocks) and The Georgia O'Keefe Museum, good food, and great wine!!! Weather beautiful you might guess...rain looming, especially for tonight.

Lesson for today: Need some rain in your area? Call Judy and Sheila...we bring it with us! Also...need some adventures in your dull, boring life? Give us a call...we can give you some ideas to liven up even the most boring drives on the planet!

All for now...I raise my Organic Green Ginger Tea (I am in Santa Fe) to you....

Sheila Williamson


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