Yesterday, we began the yearly process of cleaning out all the fall decor, clearing off the mantel, putting away all the everyday pictures, knickknacks, make room for the Christmas decorating which we will start on Friday. As I was doing this necessary chore, with Christmas music playing in the background, I was filled with excitement and anticipation for the 2012 Christmas season while remembering all the wonderful recent Thanksgiving memories of our family and friends gathering together again. Truly, 2012 has been a wonderful year for our family, as well as extended family! We have been very blessed in every way possible and look forward to ending this year with sharing our blessings with others!
As I was sitting there formulating a plan for the substantial Christmas decor, it occurred to me how important the clean out phase was to the overall scheme of things. If the clean out were not done and the old put safely away, then there would be no room for the new plan and all that it entails. It struck me how this was remarkably like our hearts. Unless we clean out our hearts and make room anew for the Christ Child to be born again this holiday season, he will have no room in our hearts and minds. just like there was no room for Mary and Joseph at the Inn. They will be all cluttered with the past: hurts, disappointments, greed for the last push of every dollar possible in 2012, and...the most frightening of them all.....APATHY! DON'T let this happen to you, friend! Forgive, forget (or at least try), focus on others rather than yourself, and see how this holiday season changes you and your heart for the better! may be saying...what does this have to do with my business? Do you not see the parallels here as well???? If you do not sweep out all the old, cluttered, self-serving ideas and plans that you had before, there will be NO room for all the new, innovative, customer focused plans for your future! You will be forever stalled at your current level of growth or downward spiral of loss. Why not try something new? Invest in a business coach or mentor, try thanking each and every customer that you have had with a personal note letting them know how you value their business, and, by all means, GIVE BACK to your community in any way that you can....preferably your time and talents, but at least something! You will feel yourself grow exponentially from this, I can promise you!!!
May God Bless You friend!
I raise my cup of hot apple cider to your success,
Sheila Williamson
As I was sitting there formulating a plan for the substantial Christmas decor, it occurred to me how important the clean out phase was to the overall scheme of things. If the clean out were not done and the old put safely away, then there would be no room for the new plan and all that it entails. It struck me how this was remarkably like our hearts. Unless we clean out our hearts and make room anew for the Christ Child to be born again this holiday season, he will have no room in our hearts and minds. just like there was no room for Mary and Joseph at the Inn. They will be all cluttered with the past: hurts, disappointments, greed for the last push of every dollar possible in 2012, and...the most frightening of them all.....APATHY! DON'T let this happen to you, friend! Forgive, forget (or at least try), focus on others rather than yourself, and see how this holiday season changes you and your heart for the better! may be saying...what does this have to do with my business? Do you not see the parallels here as well???? If you do not sweep out all the old, cluttered, self-serving ideas and plans that you had before, there will be NO room for all the new, innovative, customer focused plans for your future! You will be forever stalled at your current level of growth or downward spiral of loss. Why not try something new? Invest in a business coach or mentor, try thanking each and every customer that you have had with a personal note letting them know how you value their business, and, by all means, GIVE BACK to your community in any way that you can....preferably your time and talents, but at least something! You will feel yourself grow exponentially from this, I can promise you!!!
May God Bless You friend!
I raise my cup of hot apple cider to your success,
Sheila Williamson
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